Olivia Shimeld | Mount Solitary Rock | SOLD
Mount Solitary Rock | 2022
Acrylic on linen
76 x 76 cm
Framed in Tasmanian oak
Signed verso
$ 1,950
Olivia Shimeld
With a background in electronic and temporal art (BVA, Sydney College Of The Arts 1997 - 1999), Katoomba based artist Olivia Shimeld has found a way to give her paintings a uniquely digital aesthetic. Her ethereal abstract landscapes, vast sunsets with birds, night skies and floral assemblages flash with vibrant neon colours layered atop one another, creating a depth of space reminiscent of a digital screen. Olivia uses high quality acrylic, oil and aerosol paints which she intuitively allows to drip and splatter onto her canvas. At once meditative and energetic, Olivia’s work asks for contemplation as it blurs material boundaries.
Olivia studied oil painting with Celia Gullett for six years (2011, 2013 – 2017). At the same time she also studied yoga, meditation and energetic healing. Her studies, living in the Blue Mountains, as well as being a mother to four school aged children inform and inspire her painting practise.
“I observe the colours in the sky and the way the light interacts with the clouds, and store those images in my memory bank,” she says. “I work from imagination, intuition and interaction.”
The results are high intensity, uplifting works, bustling with colour and texture. Layering acrylics and aerosol paint alongside oil sticks and oil paint, Olivia’s art is saturated with movement and life.
Each of Olivia’s works are simultaneously considered and spontaneous, producing bold and bright windows into her mind. Her practice of layering colour and texture creates wonderfully rich works, reflecting the great joy the act of painting brings to the artist.